A Rambling Machine
'I connected with this and truly enjoyed the prose, imagery
and unique concept. Beautifully done.'// 'Good poem! "I'm a king of my cycle" - you bravely reply. LOL I love that.'/ POETRY
'"A Rambling Machine" was a master piece! Needless to say, I believe this to be one of your best
poems. Your style reminds me of the English poet Coolridge.'/ INTERNATIONAL STORY BOOK
Show Your Brain
'I like this, I like the decription of word use. I am a word person, I actually have a dictionary in my house, car & work.
I like this "some - are tiring." So true poet!!!' ALLPOETRY
Detective Story
'Working, dreaming....I like that. Isn't that the way life goes.' ALLPOETRY
Everyone Can Be a Star
'Your writing reminds me of a cryptic crossword, yet you make the confusion enjoyable. (Yes, that is a compliment!) Good
Tall Talk Theatre
'Really great political piece... I find them tough to do, without sounding vapid, you've accomplished something special here
via terrific imagery! :)'// 'You've done it again, Plo. Bravo!' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
The Stamp
'For too many, writing poetry is a ritual to connect with a
past that is dead rather than forging new paths. An interesting and well-written piece of work.' POETIC PURSUITS
not touched by tongues. I liked that phrase/connection. Beautiful!' SPEARHEAD POETRY BOARD
'I really enjoyed reading
this... I like the way you think...' ALIEN8ED
'Whoa. Obviously British. (It's ok, I spell chourus with a u) Funny piece, and true!' ALLPOETRY
A Poem Is Able
I like the part about haunting a library... Very thought provoking... ALIEN8ED
At Work
'I think that it really says something about our society today.'
Some Errors Are Divine
'Excellent poem. You were in top form.' INTERNATIONAL STORY BOOK 'Again, good one Plo. "Don't errorize the words"
'I love it! Great sarcastic tone. I like the play on words, "With the power of Mouth" Joseph Campbell would be pleased.'
'Very different and brought a smile to my face. Well done.'// 'Clever. I really like this.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
'Brilliant man. Brilliant. A poem like this makes poetry.' ALLPOETRY
Andersen's Hat
'Liked it. Short, sweet and simple. Good one here.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD 'Great Imagery! Loved this piece!
Gonna read more of your stuff right now...' ALLPOETRY
The Signboard
'Evocative - I really like this one a lot.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD 'Keep posting. Your writing is very unique
and interesting to read.' TEENOUTREACH POETRY
I Don't Like Sugar
'I never thought of the beet in this light before; perhaps,
because I live among the corn and bean fields. Interesting' POETIC PURSUITS
'An interesting juxtaposition between
the needs of plant, animal and human lives' ALLPOETRY
'Wonderful use of a harmless Vegetable, to introduce the
epic battle between the captalist minded killer farmer and the expendible beet product.' INTERNATIONAL STORY BOOK
'"Address" was one of your best yet. Pure imagines, emotions, and truth. Incredible.' INTERNATIONAL STORY BOOK
'"a net cowboy" Oh I really like this'// 'To Plo: He's not a city wolf. He's a net cowboy. Connected. Wow! great
words. Very well put. Cool poem. Like it allot. God bless.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
'Again, at the cutting edge Plo...your butter knife is perhaps
sharper than some diners imagined! Well done.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
' Fascinating commentary on the Cuban folks. "hypermarkets" we call
them supermarkets, but 'hyper' describes them better as far as I am concerned.' ECTOPIA /2002/
Inside Africa
'Very well written, lots of truth.'// 'I agree Plo, well said.'// 'To Plo: NICE. God bless.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
'What interesting insight to a place I have never been. Maybe someday I will get the chance to see it for
myself.' WRITERS WRITE 'This is very true. Great write.' ALLPOETRY
Space Invaders
'Hee hee, it may not be a laughing matter but you made me giggle. What a challenge indeed' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
'Interesting, PLO! This is something a little different' WRITERS WRITE
Straightening Spaghetti
'This is good poetry, and it takes all kinds to fill the pages
of the book of days! You never fail to deliver something delicious to read, Plo. And I prefer twisty sghetti anyway :)
in global code" - what a great line; reality!!' WRITERS WRITE
'I'm not quite sure what its about, but I LOVE IT its
so amazingly un-mainstream' TEENOUTREACH POETRY
'Good write' ALLPOETRY
'Luckily I'm not a cruel bore...I enjoyed
this Plo! OUCH! that hurt! (HA! HA! just kidding). Very good poem.' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
is a unique mind spank...Dripping with intelligence...Truly clever and deftly written...This is what modern poetry is all
about!' ECTOPIA /2002/
Miilion In My Pocket
'Excellent choice of words. Very good poem. It's one you have to think about before you get it. I wouldn't have known what
a "Quill" was but I just saw the movie'// 'Again, I like, Plo...good writing...your quill is working hard!!!' POETRY
POWER BULLETIN BOARD 'Oh thats awesome i love the concept and feel. "Poetry wakes up early
morning, catches of quill. The gang of journalists also is up. Their pens are worth billions dollars. Well,
Virus of power is a medicine." Really loved these lines' WRITERS WRITE 'So descriptive
and wow the vocab is wow'// I really like the abstract view in this piece. I wish I could make my writing sound as exciting.........even
as a published poet I cannot think of even one of my pieces I like as much as this.......Thank you for it...... TEENOUTREACH
Jack In Office
'"Undeniable blockheads", love these lines in this poem. good
work.'// 'good poem Plo'// 'Excellent poem. Very deep.'// 'Deep poem. I like the way you wrote it.'// 'I don't know if Jack
Tree is the name of a real person but I love this poem Plo, it's great work yet again' POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD'
is so cool' ALLPOETRY
piece. Well worth submitting. Bureaucracy is an interesting subject matter for poetry, precisely because it's incongruous
(incongruous subject matter is a GOOD idea, I think). Perhaps a passionate, lyrical poem about waste disposal . . ' // 'bureaucracy; the eternal constant that forever tramples humanity in the mud. well done!' ECTOPIA /2002/
Echo in the Throat
'I liked it...I don't know what to say....but I like it' TEENOUTREACH
'Well I think this probably falls on deaf ears but it is a good piece, Plo. And you keep beating your own
drum, I like it!!' WRITERS WRITE
'"Plagiarism grows in a glasshouse"... Nice interesting read.// 'Good poem. Like
it a lot.' // 'Nice, keep posting! POETRY POWER BULLETIN BOARD
'This is a very unique poem in what
it appears to address, but I am surprised it hasn't already been done. This is well written. It had the potential to be
bad, but you carry yourself very well through the poem and the end result is an appropriate but interesting poem' // i have
to agree (...), interesting! a true desire in the experimenting of poetical language, and subject!' ECTOPIA /2002/
On Top
was ummm yeah cool... it turned me on or something err wait i mean i liked it!' TEENOUTREACH POETRY
'Excellent write,
very well written, loved it'// 'Your gifted intuition is circus-like, gypsy-esque...with a deeply sad message. I not only
'...mega brain teaser...'// 'I recognize your poem right away... I love the idea of
the Mythomaniacs. And myths theme' WRITERS WRITE
'Good poem. Very intellectual. Like it. Keep up the good work.' POETRY
'slavish--Slavic? good play on words. "fellows associated in poetical gang for whom
"a" and "the" are terrorists." That's putting it mildly; Many a poem ruined by those two!' // 'This
is great, I think. Some terrific content. I'm not really sure what it's all about, but I like the lines and imagery, and the
general feel. Vibrant.' ECTOPIA /2002/
Zarga. Azrag.
'Is this a sparatic thought process going on here? : )' WRITERS WRITE 'hi: loved your Zarga poem, you forgot to put
comment box... It brought us to a place most have not been... thanks the visuals were great' THE STARLITE CAFE'S POETS CORNER
'wow such amazing delineation, that is such an awesome poem... it's just terrific' TEENOUTREACH POETRY 'this
is brilliant!' LITKICKS
'Nice read : )' WRITERS WRITE
'cooool. i like the backward words thing.. very effective' E-POETS
'i have to go there...but than again the way you described it I've already seen it' // 'You
make it sound like such a beautiful place.....Nicely done for those of us who may never make except maybe in our minds.......'
'this was outstanding. the mystical beauty of the area revealing
in a story like setting. good tone and voice, nice imagery' ALLPOETRY
'Gorgeous. Just bloody gorgeous. I've never been to Egypt, but
I could feel the desert air and see the Egyptian sky through this. Descriptive without being monotonous or redundant;
compelling and pretty without being sugar-coated.'
// 'definately a vision. this totally hit me...in 5th grade
i was an Egyptian buff...i had to get my hands on anything egyptian, and i totally forgot about that til now. thanx for nostalgic
moment... i like the backwards lines. i've done that myself a few times. the capitalization at the beginning of each line
kinda distracted me. this kinda bugged me..."Constellations are flashing anciently". for some reason that does not sound grammatically
correct. "anciently." who knows, i could be wrong...and the first line made me laugh. i have always wanted to stay at the
Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. And actually last nite i was sitting on my floor and thinking that i should plan a trip to vegas.
just for a few days to hang out by myself. maybe i should stay at the luxor... kudos. i liked.' SUNRISE POETRY
'You've really brought Egypt to life with your sparkling metaphors and vibrant imagery. ("green columns of Egyptian
sky" ; "big canine teeth glitter at sunset" --love this!) Such a marvelous piece of art. I almost want to applaud it! All
your poetry is edgy, fresh, certainly worth stopping by your site to read.' POETRYPEN
I'm On Crete
'you are my breath of fresh air...lol if your confused see above...i'm
always excited when i see your name on here bcuz whatever you post is always completely thrilling and just grabs my stubborn
head and takes it away to somewhere i've never been or even dreamed of..thank you ' // 'i'm a hypocrit but hey, i couldn't
let this poem get pushed down without at least one response because it is a very new concept, and though it doesn't have a
twist or anything such, i think it shows appreciation and uh... sopmething like memory.. so anyway.. good poem.' TEENOUTREACHPOETRY
took me on a trip here--nice job...have you seen such things really? if so--lucky you!! it must be amazing!' ALLPOETRY
C o n t i n u a t i o n